How to get back into online dating

Nothing can make you review your life choices like a year in lockdown. You may have realised that now more than ever you crave a companion. Someone to share your lonely nights with, to eat dinner with or even cuddle up with on the sofa. Whatever the reason, you have decided with all your heart you are now ready to embrace dating in a new light.
But it has been a while since you have been on the apps and perhaps your profile is looking a little lack-lustre? Let’s break down your profile and build it back into something amazing to attract your ideal match. Here are some handy and simple tips on how to get back into online dating.
Maintain a positive attitude.
Sounds simple, right? If you’ve had some crazy experiences in the past with dating online, I would say leave them right there; in the past. Make sure you wipe the slate clean and move forward giving each individual a fair chance. After all, you can’t tarnish every guy or girl with the same brush. By pre-judging everyone you meet online with past experiences, your attitude and caution will reflect in your personality. Therefore, move forward with a big smile and an open mind, it’s way more appealing than being defensive.
Choose a cracking headline.
Some apps give you the choice to feature a headline. This is a superb chance to sound super interesting and show your quirky side. It has to be a few short words with a major impact to catch the opposite sex’ attention. You want them to contact you to find out more. Once, my headline was ‘Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter’ (yes, I’m a bit of a geek)! I soon had men sliding into my DMs letting me know their thoughts on which they preferred and why. It showed we had something in common and of course it was a great conversation starter. Give it a go.
Update your photos.
We all know you haven’t been on an exotic holiday in well over a year, so it’s time to remove that holiday snap on the beach. Admit it, when you’re swiping you double take a slick-looking picture. It’s ok, we all do it, however, are your pictures worthy of a double-take? If the answer is no, then why not invest in a dating photographer. I would recommend Hey Saturday. If you don’t have the budget, that’s fine too. Dress up and take some great shots of yourself outdoors and show off your true personality. But please, do not upload any form of selfies or even use a filter, they are most definitely a thing of the past. People want to see the real you.
Talk about what you can offer.
It may seem like you are applying for a job, but dating nowadays isn’t about what you want, it’s about what you can bring to a relationship. By talking about what you are looking for, it can sometimes come across as demanding and all the other person has about you is your picture. Talk about your hopes, dreams and aspirations. What do you wish for your life? By being authentic, your profile will attract the type of person you desire. It’s a great way to show you are genuine and seriously in search of your soulmate.
No time wasters please.
Sound familiar? Under no circumstances do you write this. As much as none of us want our time wasted, this really goes give a negative connotation. It can be interpreted in so many ways. Does it mean you want to meet straight away? Or does it mean ‘you better not be a catfish’? Or perhaps, just please be a nice person? Whatever you want it to mean, no one will actually know. Your personality won’t come across in a great light. Both men and women may think you are feisty and of course, that’s not what you want.
Think about your bucket list.
I have spoken to so many people who say travelling is on their bucket list, but what does that mean? Your idea of enjoying travelling could be completely different from your potential match. You could like 5-star hotels and clubs while they like to grab a backpack and go trekking. Make sure you specify what you like to do and where you would like to travel as you both need to enjoy the same things on holiday. Your bucket list is not only exhaustive to travelling, have a think of what other goals you have in life and what you wish to achieve. These goals will show off the real you in a great life to find a partner that aligns with your beliefs and values.
Have fun.
Enjoy the journey to finding the one. If the first person isn’t a great match, that’s ok, just learn from it and move on. Of course, there will be waves of emotions as you meet matches. Keep smiling and always be present. Quite simply, have fun.
For more hints and tips on dating, connect with me on Instagram or Facebook