Meet Your Matchmaker

Welcome to my space on the world wide web.
It’s been a few months in the making, but it’s fabulous to have finally arrived and I’m super excited about sharing some great tips about dating and relationships right here, on my blog.
If we have ever spoken, you will know how I like to be your personal cheerleader and wish you nothing but the best. If you have a life goal, I’m that person rooting for you to make it to the finishing line. I enjoy creating positive vibes and learning about people, especially when it comes to love.
Nothing warms my heart more than a great love story and having watched an abundance of Bollywood movies, I am firm believer that love conquers all.
Having worked with hundreds of couples in the wedding industry, helped single friends through their dating dilemmas and even had my own; I’m here to share with you my knowledge of how to embrace the world of dating and to hold onto that relationship when you find it.
If there is something you would like me to discuss, please feel free to send me an email and I will do my best to share my expertise in the future.