Matched by Sukh Kaur – Terms & Conditions
This document constitutes a written agreement for coaching services. Please read through and let me
know if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you.
Coaching services vary depending on your needs and desired level of support. Options include individual, couple or group coaching via Google Meets/Zoom. The costs vary with the amount of time you request. To be successful requires your commitment as the client to taking responsibility for the process and the outcomes that result from it. You’ll need to be open and honest about your needs, keep appointments and stay committed to your goals. My role as coach is to engage my expertise as guide, motivator and sounding board which will keep you on track, keep you focused and hold you accountable to progress.
Nature of Relationship:
The client understands that the coaching relationship is not psychotherapy or psychological counseling, nor is it a substitute for these services.
As a Certified Dating & Relationship Coach, I protect the confidentiality of the communications with my
coaching clients. I will not voluntarily divulge I am in a coaching relationship with you without your permission. Since this is a legal document, if there is some instance where I am legally obligated to
breach your confidentiality, then I must follow the law. Some sessions may be conducted in groups. You agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information communicated to you by other coaching clients and myself. I understand that progress is often enhanced when clients discuss their coaching relationship with trusted colleagues and friends. You can have these discussions, but you are expected to be very careful not to share any information that would allow others in the group to be identified. This keeps a safe environment to openly share.
If, at any time, you feel that your needs are not being met or you are not getting what you want out of coaching, please tell me, so we can discuss your needs and adjust your coaching program as needed.
Mutual Non Disclosure:
The coach and client mutually recognize they may discuss future plans, business affairs, personal information or any other private information. The coach will not voluntarily communicate the client’s information to a third party. In order to honour and protect the coach’s intellectual property, the client likewise agrees not to disclose or communicate specific information about the coach’s practice, materials, or methods to any third parties. The client also agrees not to give things like coaching documents/exercises or conference bridge lines to outside parties.
Call Procedure:
The client will call the coach at the prearranged time and telephone number as scheduled, and assumes any telephone charges for the call. For group coaching calls and classes, the coach pays for the teleconference line; and the clients will pay for the call into the conference line if not covered by their current plan.
Please remember, cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. There will be no refund or credit for cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to a scheduled session. The coach will make reasonable
efforts to reschedule sessions that are cancelled in a timely manner.
Payment Procedure:
The coach is paid in advance of beginning coaching. The first coaching session will begin after this agreement is signed and emailed back to the coach and full payment is received. Services requested by the client, in addition to coaching calls will be billed at an agreed rate and paid in the same manner in advance.
Either party may end the coaching relationship by providing the other party with a one week written notice via email. Any remaining coaching sessions will be refunded on a case per case basis and at the discretion of Matched By Sukh Kaur.
Thanks for reading through this document.